Chapter 13: The Beginner’s Guide to


Other EMF Books & Videos

In this chapter, we’ll go over some other books and videos on EMFs.

In addition to our Beginner’s Guide to EMFs, these are some great resources from which to learn about EMFs.

Let’s check them out:

Increase Your EMF Knowledge

The following are some recommended resources to add to your EMF knowledge-bank.

We obviously recommend our own Beginner’s Guide to EMFs, but you may find that some of these other resources may connect more powerfully with members of your family, friends or neighbors.Some of these outbound links may be affiliate links to help our mission of EMF education.

Okay, let’s get started:

EMF Books:


Books on EMFs

Below are some other great guides to understanding and mitigating you and your family’s exposure to EMFs.

Let’s get started:


The EMF Practical Guide

by Lloyd Burrell

This came out recently and is another great resource for helping you and your family address the EMFs in your life.

Lloyd writes well and carefully explains the 4 types of man-made EMFs that you need to be on the look out for. This is a good book to pass along to family members or friends that are interested in learning more.

We recommend this wholeheartedly.


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The Non-Tinfoil
Guide to EMFs

by Nicolas Pineault

This is a great introductory book to learn about EMFs and their possible dangers.

It’s well written, a fast read and makes the content easily accessible. As such, it’s a great guide to gift to a friend or loved one to help inform them of the dangers of electromagnetic exposure.


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Radiation Nation

by Daniel T. DeBaun and Ryan P. DeBaun

Another good introductory book. Delves into studies of the health risks involved with electromagnetic radiation exposure.

Daniel DeBaun started the company DefenderShield which offers a wide array of products to temper your exposure.


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Dirty Electricity

by Samuel Milham, MD, MPH

A fascinating book by Dr. Sam Milham on the correlation between the electrification of nations and their subsequent health crises.

Milham provides evidence from his career as a physician and from the public health data surrounding when electric power was introduced to rural areas.


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by Anne Louis Gittleman


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The Body Electric

by Robert Becker, MD and Gary Selden


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by Martin Blank, PhD


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Tracing EMFs In Building Wiring and Grounding

by Karl Riley

A fantastic how-to manual on tracking the wiring errors and net current that lead to elevated magnetic fields in building structures.

Highly recommended.


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by Bill Cadwaller


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EMF Health Alert

by Holly Manion and Alfred Pacheco


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Electromagnetic Radiation Survival Guide

by Jonathan Halpern, PhD


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EMF Videos:


Videos and Movies about EMFs

Here’s some video and movie resources about EMFs.

More to come soon!


Generation Zapped

Directed by Sabine El Gemayel


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The Beginner's Guide to EMFs

Purchase the Book for Family or Friends

Go low EMF and read our EMF guide offline on your kindle or preferred e-reader. Or gift this to a loved one that doesn't know as much about the EMFs in their lives.

This option comes with printable worksheets and other helpful guides.

  Buy on Amazon (Kindle or Paperback)

  Buy on Gumroad (ePub and PDF)

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Learn About the Beginner's Guide to EMFs

Welcome to the Beginner’s Guide to EMFs.

Our site attempts to inform you of the possible invisible dangers that you and your family may be subjected to.

Learn more about Brent Thomas.


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