“What are EMFs?” and
Other Common EMF Questions


What are man-made EMFs?

Man-made EMFs (or Electro-Magnetic Fields) are artificial sources of radiation found in your homes and community.

There are four specific types of this artificial radiation that people should be aware of. Click the links below to learn more in-depth about each:


Are EMFs dangerous to myself and my family?

We believe there is biological risk with elevated and continuous man-made EMF exposure.

There’s no smoking gun (as with cigarettes, for example), but more and more studies are coming out showing the possibility of dangerous health effects.

The most recent findings of biological risk from man-made EMFs came from a $30 million dollar National Toxicology Program study that showed increased cancer occurrence in mice from exposure to only 2G and 3G cell phone RF fields.

More EMF Health Studies can be found in our appendix.


What produces man-made EMFs?

Unfortunately, there are quite a few internal and external sources of EMFs, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

We’ve written over 15 EMF Field Guides and EMF Step-by-Step Guides to give you a solid overview of common EMF sources found in every room in your home and other places you frequent.

We also provide steps to remove, shield and replace these EMF sources.


Can I test for EMFs myself?


With a good meter and guidance provided by this website or by an EMF consultant, you can definitely do the EMF testing yourself.

Visit our Best EMF Meters of 2023 page to see our current recommendations for EMF meters in every price point.


Are there EMF consultants that can help me?


We have an entire directory of EMF consultants that can assist you in-person or remotely via Zoom, FaceTime or telephone. 

Visit our EMF Consultants section to learn more.

Before we continue, can we ask a small favor?

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Do I really need to worry about this?

We believe the evidence is there to show biological harm from EMFs and that reducing your exposure to EMFs is an integral part of healthy living.

You eat healthy foods, exercise and don’t smoke to achieve a healthier lifestyle.

Reducing your EMF exposure is another step in the process.

Don’t worry, it’s not that hard.

We help you take the small steps that can lead to big reductions in your EMF exposure levels.

All without inconveniencing you and your family.


How do I get started?

The Table of Contents is located on the homepage.

We recommend reading through the entire guide, but feel free to visit the sections that interest you most.

Happy Learning!

Other Common EMF Questions

We have an EMF Blog that covers a lot of commonly asked questions about EMFs.

Click on the link below to visit the page and peruse the content.

The Beginner's Guide to EMFs

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Go low EMF and read our EMF guide offline on your kindle or preferred e-reader. Or gift this to a loved one that doesn't know as much about the EMFs in their lives.

This option comes with printable worksheets and other helpful guides.

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Learn About the Beginner's Guide to EMFs

Welcome to the Beginner’s Guide to EMFs.

Our site attempts to inform you of the possible invisible dangers that you and your family may be subjected to.

Learn more about Brent Thomas.


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