Chapter 12: The Beginner’s Guide to


EMF Meter Reviews:

EMF Meter Reviews Header Graphic

In this chapter, we’re going to show you EMF meters for every budget. Our favorite EMF meters and EMF meter kits can be found on our Best EMF Meters of 2023 page.

In addition to the meter descriptions, we list which of the four man-made EMFs the meters can measure and where the meters can be purchased.

Some product links may be affiliate links, which help us with our mission of EMF education.

Let’s begin:

What EMF Source are You Testing?

EMFs from Electrical Power Lines
Magnetic Fields:
Common Sources
  • Cell Towers
  • Cell Phones
  • Wi-fi Routers
  • Wireless Tech Items
EMFs from Electrical Power Lines
Radio Freq. Fields (RF): Common Sources
  • Cell Towers
  • Cell Phones
  • Wi-fi Routers
  • Wireless Tech Items
EMFs from Electrical Power Lines
Electric Fields:
Common Sources
  • Electrical Wiring
  • Device Power Plugs
  • Power lines
  • Computer Peripherals
EMFs from Electrical Power Lines
Dirty Electricity (DE):
Common Sources
  • LED & CFL Bulbs
  • Dimmer Switches
  • Power Bricks
  • Smart Lighting
EMFs from Electrical Power Lines
Buy an EMF Meter Kit:
Get All 4 EMF Meters
  • Gaussmeters
  • RF Meters
  • Field Voltage Meters
  • Line EMI Meters

Testing for Magnetic Fields & Electric Fields:


Gaussmeters for Magnetic Field Testing & Electric Field Meters for Electric Field Testing

Guassmeters and electric field meters are what you use to test magnetic and electric fields. 

Though you can find exclusive models, these two types of meters are often combined into a single meter for DIY use.

Some can test RF fields, as well.

Let’s take a look at our favorites:

AC Electric Fields

The Best Meters for Magnetic and Electric Field Testing

Our Pick

Gigahertz ME3851A

Gigahertz ME3851A Meter

Magnetic Fields & Electric Fields

The ME3851A is very good gaussmeter and electric field meter.

It’s a single-axis meter for detection of both, but allows you to get very accurate readings of magnetic fields (down to .001 mG) and electric fields (down to .1 vM).

Overall, this meter provides the perfect balancing act of high-end precision at a good value.

Team it up with a good RF meter, like the Safe and Sound Pro II, a meter that detects dirty electricity and a clamp meter and you’re good to go.

Good Value

Gigahertz ME3851A

Trifield TF2 EMF Meter

Magnetic Fields, Electric Fields and RF Fields

Read our complete Trifield TF2 review.

This is the introductory EMF meter that we recommend most to beginners that are interested in DIY EMF testing.

The best part of the Trifield TF2 is that it’s a 3-in-1 EMF meter than can give you really good measurements for AC magnetic fields and decent ballpark readings when using it to test AC electric fields and radio frequency fields.

Combine this with a dirty electricity meter and a clamp-on meter and you’re ready to go test your home.

What the Pros Use

Clamp Meter

Gigahertz NFA1000

Magnetic Fields & Electric Fields

This is the meter that a majority of the professional EMF Specialists and consultants use when testing homes or business for AC magnetic and AC electric fields.

Magnetic and electrical fields are measured with 3-axes and it’s got more bells and whistles than you can shake a stick at (graphical data mapping, time-mapping, etc…).

Read all about the features here.

Combine this with an HF59B & HF59D and you’re equipped like the pros.

Other Good Meters

Gigahertz ME3830B

Other Good Meters

Magnetic Fields & Electric Fields

Below are other meters that will do a good job in helping you identify and measure AC Magnetic Fields and Electric Fields from internal and external sources:

Take note that the UHS2 is the only one that is solely a gaussmeter. Click on the links to learn more about the meters.

Testing for RF Fields:


EMF Meters for Radio Frequency Field Testing

These meters cost a bit more, but can provide more accuracy to your DIY EMF surveying.

Take a closer look at each to understand which man-made EMFs these meters can test for.

For our recommended meter kits, please visit our Best EMF meters of 2023 page.

EMF Cell Tower Graphic

The Best Meters for Radio Frequency Field Testing

Our Pick

Safe and Sound Pro II EMF Meter

Safe and Sound Pro II Meter

RF Fields Including 5G

Read our Safe and Sound Pro II review.

This is a very accurate radio frequency meter from the good people at Safe Living Technologies that you can take with you everywhere.

With a range of 650 MHz – 10GHz, it’s useful for the measurement of RF fields (including low and mid-band 5G frequencies) from cell phones, cell towers, Wi-Fi routers, bluetooth devices and many other devices.

Team it up with a good gaussmeter and field voltage meter, like the Gigahertz Solutions ME3851A and you’ll be ready to start testing your surroundings.

Good Value

Gigahertz ME3851A

Trifield TF2 EMF Meter

Magnetic Fields, Electric Fields and RF Fields

Read our complete Trifield TF2 review.

As we mentioned above in the gaussmeter section, this is a great beginner’s EMF meter and one we never hesitate to recommend to people that are in the market and don’t want to spend a lot of money.

The TF2 is a solid gaussmeter and is good at identifying RF sources in your home or at your place of work.  The RF and field voltage meter sensors will give you a decent ballpark of the levels you’re exposed to.

Combine this with a DE meter and you’re ready to get started.

What the Pros Use

Clamp Meter

Gigahertz HFE59B & HFW59D

Radio Frequency Fields

These two meters aren’t cheap, but are commonly used by EMF specialists.

The HFE59B & HFW59D are what the pros use to measure RF fields from 27 MHz– 10 GHz range.

The meters utilize multiple antennas for general exposure surveying and for pinpointing the exposure from individual sources.

When combined with an NFA1000 or NFA400, the user can data-log RF exposure over long periods of time (the battery life of the meters is substantial, so this could include several days if the conditions are conducive.

Other Good Meters

Gigahertz ME3830B

Other Good RF Meters

Radio Frequency Fields

Below are other RF meters that will do a good job in helping you identify and measure Radio Frequency Fields from internal and external sources:

Click on the links to learn more about the meters.

Testing for Dirty Electricity:


Best EMF Meters for Dirty Electricity Testing

These meters are what a lot of EMF consultants use to determine dirty electricity levels in your home

Many of thes standard DE meters are affordable, but some oscilloscopes may be more pricey.

Let’s get started:

EMFs and Light Bulbs

The Best Meters for Dirty Electricity Testing

Our Pick

Safe and Sound Pro II EMF Meter

Trifield EMI Meter

Dirty Electricity

The Trifield Power LIne Meter will help you measure and identify dirty electricity sources.

It’s easy to use and has a clear LCD screen, as well as an audio option to help you with your dirty electricity testing.

The meter has requency range between 10 KHz and 10 MHz and measures in mVpp (milliVolts Peak-to-Peak)

Good Value

Gigahertz ME3851A

Greenwave EMI Meter

Dirty Electricity

The Greenwave EMI Meter is a staple in the detection and mitigation of dirty electricity.

The meter is used to ascertain the overall dirty electricity levels in your home and to determine how many dirty electricity filters you will need to reduce the DE levels in frequented areas.

Reading are presented in millivolts (mV).

What the Pros Use

Clamp Meter


Dirty Electricity

Many pros will initially test with a dirty electricity meter and then move to an oscilloscope if there unusually high DE levels that aren’t mitigated by removing lighting or tech sources.

This is especially useful when investigating dirty electricity from solar inverters and other tech sources.

Click the link to learn more.

Other Good Meters

Gigahertz ME3830B

Other Good DE Meters

Dirty Electricity

Below are other RF meters that will do a good job in helping you identify and measure Radio Frequency Fields from internal and external sources:

Click on the links to learn more about the meters.

EMF Kits:


EMF Kits – Get Everything You Need

Below we explore some of the EMF kits for sale.

These kits will provide the meters you need to measure and test all four types of EMFs.

Let’s get started:


The Best EMF Meter Kits – All the Meters You’ll Need

Our Pick

Safe and Sound Pro II EMF Meter

RM16 Pro EMF Meter Package

Magnetic Fields, RF Fields, Electric Fields, and Dirty Electricity

This is our favorite EMF meter kit and includes everything you need to measure magnetic fields, electric fields, radio, frequency fields and dirty electricity.

It includes the following:

  • Safe and Sound Pro II
  • Gigahertz Solutions ME3851A
  • Line EMI Meter
  • Retekess AM/FM SW Radio
  • Pro Meter Case

Click below to learn more.

Good Value

Gigahertz ME3851A

RM10 Intermediate EMF Meter Kit

Magnetic Fields, RF Fields, Electric Fields, and Dirty Electricity

This is good budget EMF meter kit and includes everything you need to measure magnetic fields, electric fields, radio, frequency fields and dirty electricity.

It includes the following:

  • Safe and Sound Classic II
  • Gigahertz Solutions ME3830B
  • Line EMI Meter
  • Retekess AM FM SW Radio
  • Pro Meter Case

Click below to learn more.

What the Pros Use

Clamp Meter

MK70-3D Plus 1.0 EMF Test Kit

Magnetic Fields, RF Fields, Electric Fields, and Dirty Electricity

This is good budget EMF meter kit and includes everything you need to measure magnetic fields, electric fields, radio, frequency fields and dirty electricity.

It includes the following:

  • NFA1000 – EMF Meter Kit
  • HFE59B – RF Meter Kit
  • HFW59D Plus – RF Meter Kit
  • PM1 – Potential Free Holder
  • Pro Meter Case

Click below to learn more.

Other Good Meters

Gigahertz ME3830B

Other Good EMF Kits

Magnetic Fields, RF Fields, Electric Fields, and Dirty Electricity

Below are other EMF meter kits that will do a good job in helping you identify and measure all four types of man-made EMFs.

Click on the links to learn more about these EMF meter kits.

The Beginner's Guide to EMFs

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