The EMF Field Guide to:

Common EMF Sources in
Cars & Other Vehicles

In this EMF Field Guide, we’re going to tell you about common EMF sources that you can find in cars, trucks and other vehicles.

Some you’ll be aware of, but we bet some will be news to you.

Let’s get started:

14 Common EMF Sources Found
in Cars & Other Vehicles

This section covers common EMF sources found in cars, vehicles and other popular modes of transportation.

Some of these sources are easily mitigated, while others are not. Regardless, it’s good to be aware of the sources and especially so if you happen to be sensitive to one or more of the types of EMFs.

As with all our sections, we’ve included a recommended solution for most of the listed sources. Some of these outbound links may be affiliate links to help our mission of EMF education.

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Cell Phones

We’ve talked about mobile phones in many of the other sections, but it’s important to be aware of these in in the context of riding in your car for long periods of time.

Unfortunately, cell phones in vehicles can produce even more elevated levels of RF due to the fields careening around the metal enclosure.

If you’re going to be in the car for awhile and the GPS mapping app on your phone isn’t needed, try to put your phone into airplane mode.

A Low EMF Solution

If you type PHONE MODEL + AIRPLANE MODE into a search engine, you should find the relevant information.

Use an older variety GPS system for you navigation purposes.



We know these are a lifesaver for parents of young children on road trips. We’ve been there ourselves.

Just remember to download all your content beforehand and have the tablets in airplane mode, with wi-fi and bluetooth off, while in use.

A Low EMF Solution

It’s possible to have the tablet in airplane mode, but with wi-fi and bluetooth still on. Double check that everything is off.


Vehicle Wi-fi

Some car and truck models now offer wi-fi in their vehicles and there are aftermarket options, as well. In essence this turns your vehicle into both a cell phone (for the connection) and a wi-fi router (for access within the car).

So, driver and passengers could be traveling for hours directly adjacent to both transmitters.

Our recommendation would be to forgo this technology in the cars that you drive. If your vehicle has this capability, check with the manufacturer to see if you can disable it.

A Low EMF Solution

Go without the technology and briefly use your cell phone to access the internet, if needed.


Car Keys & Fobs

Wireless key fobs communicate with radio frequency fields and are repeatedly sending these fields out to try to make contact with the vehicle’s base unit to determine if the vehicle should be unlocked or started. When driving, this isn’t something that may be able to be shielded against.

A knowledgeable mechanic may be able to make alterations to the starter and entry systems, but it will likely come at some cost.

You can protect yourself when carrying the keys on your person or when storing them in your home by utilizing an RF-blocking faraday bag to place the keys in.

The added bonus of these is that it makes your vehicle far less likely to be stolen by thieves using RF scanners. 

Below is a video that helps describe how thieves and organized crime target new vehicles:

#343 My Truck was stolen! This could stop it from happening to you. 6 month review.
A Low EMF Solution

Using an RF-blocking faraday bag for your key fob will minimize your exposure from radio frequency radiation and lower your risk of vehicular theft considerably.


Bluetooth Stereo

Stereo systems with bluetooth are an RF field emitter. If the car manufacturer doesn’t allow you to disable this functionality, a knowledgeable mechanic or car audio expert may be able to accomplish it.

A Low EMF Solution

Not having this functionality is the best low-EMF solution. A car audio expert can likely replace/remove this functionality and replace it with a non-RF emitting version.


Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems (TPMS)

Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems (TPMS) let drivers know if any of the tires have low air pressure. The car’s computer system frequently does this via lower end RF signals.

It’s thought the systems may communicate with the vehicle computer once every 30-120 seconds, so not as frequent as many other RF emitters.

However, if you’re sensitive to these RF fields, you may be able to shield these somewhat with RF shielding fabrics.

A knowledgeable mechanic may be able to come up with a solution, as well.

Below is a video with an explanation of how these work:

Tyre Pressure Monitoring Systems
A Low EMF Solution

RF shielding fabrics may be able to help shield the interior car areas adjacent to the wheel wells. You’ll need an RF meter to ascertain the effectiveness.


Electric Cars

Electric vehicles may have elevated electric fields due to the batteries and cabling. Some people are sensitive enough that they cannot ride in these types of cars.

Before purchasing one of these, it’s wise to check the vehicle with an electric field meter to ascertain the levels during all driving situations.

A Low EMF Solution

These will be hard to shield against, so do you due diligence on the front end and use an electric field meter during your test drive.

It’s also a good idea to understand your return grace period, should the car make you feel ill.

Other Random Sources of EMFs in Your Car


Wireless Backup & Dashboard Cameras

These cameras utilize RF waves to deliver the video. These can be hardwired for less RF exposure.


Mapping & GPS Tracking Devices

If you can’t find a model where you can turn these chips off, look to purchase an older model without these bells and whistles.


Bluetooth Audio Transmitters

These are plugged into the stereo system in a variety of ways. We recommend you choose to plug your phone or mp3 player directly into the system with a cord.

Other Forms of Travel


Trains & Subways

These may have elevated electric and magnetic field levels. If it’s a train that you’ll be taking frequently and for long periods of time or if you’re sensitive, it would be worth taking surveying with a gaussmeter and electric field meter.

These may have wi-fi, as well.


Electric or Regular Bus

Possible elevated electric and magnetic fields are the concern here, too. Test with the appropriate meters if used frequently.

Air Travel

Air Travel

In our modern era, most of the larger planes will have onboard wi-fi. It may be worth asking the airline where the wi-fi router and any wi-fi boosters are located before purchasing a specific seat.

Some airplanes will have elevated magnetic field levels near the engines, as well.


The Beginner's Guide to EMFs

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Learn more about Brent Thomas.


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