The Beginner’s Guide to EMFs
Welcome to The Beginner’s Guide to EMFs!
This guide will educate you about EMFs and help you make more informed lifestyle decisions, especially in regard to the use of technology.
The information within will be eye-opening, but this is an educational journey worth undertaking.
We thank you for reading and please share the content with your friends and loved ones.
Let’s begin:

Chapter Contents
Section 01:
A Quick Safety Reminder from Legal
This Is For Education Only
The Beginner’s Guide to EMFs is not advice & is for learning purposes only
The Beginner’s Guide to EMFs is not, in any shape or form, medical, legal or electrical advice. All information presented is for educational and entertainment purposes only.
#2 – Don’t Mess With Your Electrical
Do not mess with your electrical system in any manner!
Only a certified electrician should be making changes to your electrical system! Don’t take a chance and put you or your loved ones at risk. It’s absolutely not worth it.
#3 – When in Doubt Call an EMF Pro
If in doubt, contact one of the EMF consultants in our directory
If you have any questions regarding the information presented here and how to utilize it in your home or place of work, please visit our EMF Professionals page.
Section 02:
Common Icons Found Within the Guide

Deep Dive
Deep Dive
Though I tried hard to write The Beginner’s Guide to EMFs in plain, layman’s terms as much as possible, there are some chapter sections that go more in-depth and use more technical language.
You may find these interesting, you may not, so I’ve labeled these with a DEEP DIVE notation and the diver graphic. Feel free to skip over these sections if your eyes start to gloss over.
Section: 02:
Why I Wrote The Beginner’s Guide to EMFs
My Story
My EMF journey began with my daughter having difficulty sleeping.
We moved into a new home and, while normally an impressive sleeper, she began waking up several times a night.
As it is with young children, their interrupted sleep becomes the entire household’s interrupted sleep. After weeks of this, I put my Sherlock Holmes hat on and got to work trying to sort the problem out. While investigating, I began wondering if something external might be contributing to her poor sleep.
I soon realized that the electric dropbox and our utility company’s smart meter was located directly on the other side of the wall from where she was sleeping.
It was down the rabbit hole from there.
What followed were long nights of reading everything I could find on the subject of EMFs and the radio frequency radiation that smart meters use to communicate.
Ultimately, with some resistance, our electrical utility company replaced the smart meter with a traditional, non-transmitting meter and my daughter went back to her effortless sleeping.
Anecdotal, I know, but that’s how my interest in EMFs began and how this guide is currently in your hands.
I wrote The Beginner’s Guide to EMFs to spread the word on what I’ve learned since then from studying on my own, getting professional EMF certification, and being a part of a burgeoning and supportive EMF community.
My goals for this guide are, as follows:
- To help you understand man-made EMFs and their potential risks
- To teach you how to reduce (or eliminate entirely) the man-made EMF sources found in your home.
- To help safeguard the people and pets that you love from unwanted and unnecessary levels of electro-magnetic radiation.
- To help emphasize that these concerns are unlikely to be addressed by the governmental agencies (at least in the near future).
- To be truthful and realistic, yet hopeful and lighthearted.
This guide will show how you and your family are exposed to these man-made EMFs and provide guidance on how you can reduce your exposure.
This guide won’t demand that you become a Luddite or move to a log cabin, off-the-grid, in the middle of the Sierras (though having written that, it sounds rather appealing).
Thankfully, many of the recommended changes listed in this guide will have minimal effect on the daily flow of your life.
I hope you find The Beginner’s Guide to EMFs informative and helpful.
Onward, we go.
~ Brent Thomas
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The Beginner's Guide to EMFs - Chapters
Preface - Homepage & Table of Contents
Introduction - Why I Wrote This
Ch. 01 - What are EMFs?
Ch. 02 - What are AC Magnetic Fields?
Ch. 03 - What are Radio Frequency Fields?
Ch. 04 - What is 5G?
Ch. 05 - What are AC Electric Fields?
Ch. 06 - What is Dirty Electricity?
Ch. 07 - The EMF Field Guides
Ch. 08 - Step-by-Step EMF Guides
Ch. 09 - EMF Testing; Hire an EMF Pro or DIY?
Ch. 10 - EMF Consultants Near You
Ch. 11 - DIY EMF Testing
Ch. 12 - EMF Meters for DIY Testing
Ch. 13 - DIY: The Best EMF Meters of 2023
Ch. 14 - What the EMF Test Results Mean
Ch. 15 - Taking Action
Ch. 16 - EMF Shielding Guides
Ch. 17 - Final Thoughts - Moving Forward
The Beginner's Guide to EMFs
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This option comes with printable worksheets and other helpful guides.
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Learn About the Beginner's Guide to EMFs
Welcome to the Beginner’s Guide to EMFs.
Our site attempts to inform you of the possible invisible dangers that you and your family may be subjected to.
None of the content here should construed as medical or legal advice and is purely for learning and entertainment purposes.
Do not mess with your electrical system in any manner, way, shape, or form!
Only a certified electrician should be making changes to your electrical system!
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