Chapter 13: EMF Meter Reviews
The Best EMF Meters of 2025
Meters For Every Budget (updated)
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In this chapter, we’re going to share with you our 2025 recommendations for purchasing the best EMF meter for your EMF testing needs. Whether it’s measuring the power lines in your backyard or the 5G tower down the street, we’ve got you covered.
We’ll show you our personal favorites, great entry level meters and the pro-grade meters that EMF specialists use.
Let’s begin:

Select the Right EMF Meter From the Choices Below:
meter type #1
Meters to measure magnetic & electric fields
Magnetic & Electric Fields
Man-made magnetic and electric fields are found where you have the presence of electricity.
Common causes of these EMFs are:
- Overhead power lines
- Wiring errors in homes
- Excess current on the utility lines (water/phone/cable)
These can be measured with guassmeters (magnetic fields) and electric field meters (electric fields).
meter type #2
Meters to measure Radio frequency fields
Radio Frequency Fields
Man-made RF radiation is caused due to modern communication devices.
Common causes of these are:
- Cell towers
- Cell Phones & Cordless Phones
- Wi-fi & Bluetooth
The power & frequency of these communication pulses can be measured with RF meters.
meter type #3
EMF Meters to Measure Dirty Electricity
Dirty Electricity
Dirty electricity is caused by the manipulation of the electrical current in homes.
Common causes of dirty electricity are:
- Modern Lightbulbs (CFL & LED bulbs)
- Dimmer Switches
- Solar Panel Inverters
Dirty Electricity can be measured with a dirty electricity meter or with an oscilloscope.
All-In-One emf Meter Kits
All the meters you need in one kit
All-In-One EMF Meter Kits
Don’t want to purchase individual meters? An easy route to cover all your EMF testing bases is to purchase an all-in-one EMF meter kit.
Included in these EMF Kits are:
- Magnetic & Electric Field Meters
- RF & DE Meters
- Other Meters & a Storage Case
Purchasing an EMF Meter Kit is a great way to hit the round running, so you can test every aspect of your home.
The Beginner's Guide to EMFs - Chapters
Preface - Homepage & Table of Contents
Introduction - Why I Wrote This
Ch. 01 - What are EMFs?
Ch. 02 - What are AC Magnetic Fields?
Ch. 03 - What are Radio Frequency Fields?
Ch. 04 - What is 5G?
Ch. 05 - What are AC Electric Fields?
Ch. 06 - What is Dirty Electricity?
Ch. 07 - The EMF Field Guides
Ch. 08 - Step-by-Step EMF Guides
Ch. 09 - EMF Testing; Hire an EMF Pro or DIY?
Ch. 10 - EMF Consultants Near You
Ch. 11 - DIY EMF Testing
Ch. 12 - EMF Meters for DIY Testing
Ch. 13 - DIY: The Best EMF Meters of 2023
Ch. 14 - What the EMF Test Results Mean
Ch. 15 - Taking Action
Ch. 16 - EMF Shielding Guides
Ch. 17 - Final Thoughts - Moving Forward
The Beginner's Guide to EMFs
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