EMF Field Guides:
Low EMF Nurseries & Children’s Rooms:
A Step-by-Step Guide
This step-by-step EMF guide was written to help you determine the amount of EMF exposure you’re comfortable with in your children’s rooms and nurseries.
We hope you find it useful.
Let’s begin:
Our Step-by-Step Guide to Make Sure Your Child’s EMF Exposure is as Low as Possible
Babies, toddlers and young children are in the midst of incredibly important developmental stages, both mental and physical. Because of this, we believe it’s important to provide them the lowest EMF exposure sleeping environment, as possible.
Below are some tips, distilled from our EMF Field Guides, that will help make their rooms low EMF sanctuaries.
We also have a general guide to lower your children’s EMF exposure.
With all our sections, we’ve included a recommended solution for most of these. Some of these outbound links may be affiliate links to help our mission of EMF education.
If you have any questions about the content in this guide, please contact us.
Steps to a Safer Child’s Room
Step 01:
Learn More About EMFs & the Scientific Studies
We’ll begin by giving you some resources to better understand what EMFs are and the man-made “Four Fields to Forgo” that we specifically focus on.
We’ll also point you to some scientific studies on the health effects of EMFs.
Let’s get started:
Read The Beginner’s Guide to EMFs & other EMF Field Guides
If you’re unsure of what EMFs are, please take some time and read The Beginner’s Guide to EMFs sections on our website. These will give you a better understanding of what EMFs are in general and what we mean when we write about AC Magnetic Fields, Radio Frequency Fields, 5G Radio Frequency Fields, AC Electric Fields and Dirty Electricity.
These are available for free on this website. See the top nav on the page.
Afterwards, we’ve also written several EMF Field Guides that are quick reads and give you a better sense of the types of sources of these man-made EMFs.
These are also free on here. Click on “EMF Field Guides” in the top nav.
All this content is available in Kindle and eReader versions, as well, if you would prefer to read these off-line or simply want to support our educational mission. Much obliged!
Review the Scientific Studies on EMFs
Please visit our chapters on the Four Fields to Forgo or our appendix section on EMF Health Studies to learn more about the medical science of EMFs:
Step 02:
Identify Common Radio Frequency Radiation Sources That May Affect Your Child’s Bedroom
Radio frequency fields are one of the most common EMF exposures that you’ll find in nurseries and children’s rooms.
Below we’ll go over the most common sources. View our other EMF Field Guides to see a wide array of other sources.
Let’s get started:
Baby Monitors
Baby monitors are commonly found in nurseries and the rooms of young children and we can certainly understand why a parent would want to be aware if anything goes wrong. We’ve been there ourselves.
Unfortunately, these monitors communicate using RF radiation.
This means, in practice that your child may be subjected to (close proximity) radio frequency fields for 10-12 hours a day.
To alleviate this exposure, we recommend purchasing a baby monitor that you can hardwire with ethernet cable instead, if possible.
This will give you the best of both worlds: Being aware of any distress your baby is experiencing without the RF exposure for you and your baby.

A Low EMF Solution
Our guides for purchasing a baby monitor and how-to hardwire with an ethernet connection will be out soon.
Wireless Video Cameras
Wireless cameras, as standalone devices or as part of a packaged baby monitoring device, are becoming more common in nurseries.
As with traditional baby monitors, these emit RF fields around your children while they sleep and should be hardwired with ethernet cable if you’re going to use them

A Low EMF Solution
As mentioned above, our guide to hardwiring your baby monitors will be out soon.
Smart Baby Mobiles & Sleep Solutions
Some current baby mobile models are being manufactured and shipped with bluetooth and wi-fi compatibility.
You don’t want these sources of RF radiation in close proximity to your baby, so make sure you’re purchasing a product without these features.
Regular mobiles still work really well for calming babies and puts any concern about RF radiation to rest.
It’s also preferable to purchase a model that uses batteries and isn’t plugged in with a cord. More on this in the AC electric fields section below.

A Low EMF Solution
Steer clear of the RF producing mobiles and get a battery powered mobile.
Baby Health Monitors
These monitors are used to track babies heart rate and oxygen levels. It’s a novel idea and may be attractive to nervous parents, but be aware that you’re placing an RF emitting chip directly on your baby.
If it’s not a medical necessity or a directive from a physician, perhaps it’s worth reconsidering using these.

A Low EMF Solution
These aren’t a component of a low-EMF nursery, but may be necessary on the advice of medical professional.
Smart Toys
Manufacturers are a producing more and more children’s toys with RF chips these days. Some of these are for communicating with phones and others are used to communicate with other toys.
If you do have these in your home, try and find out how to turn off the bluetooth or wi-fi functionality between usage. This information will be in the user’s manual or a quick search engine query away.
Most importantly, these shouldn’t be on and broadcasting in a room with a child while they are sleeping. Make a concerted effort to make your child’s room an EMF “sleep sanctuary.”

A Low EMF Solution
When researching a product, do a search for the product name + wifi or bluetooth.
RF chipped toys will necessarily need batteries, too, so that often is a giveaway.
Cell Phones
We go over these more in our Field Guide to Protecting Your Children, but be aware that any time you have your cell phone on your person (in standard, operating mode) you’re exposing your child to some RF radiation.
This can be when they sit on your lap while reading, while you lay next to them, or when you’re rocking them to sleep in your arms.
When doing these activities simply make sure the phone is in airplane mode with bluetooth and wi-fi off
If music or videos from a phone are part of a bedtime routine, make sure to download the content beforehand, so that you can play it offline.

A Low EMF Solution
Being diligent in using airplane mode and being mindful of distance can lower their exposure considerably.
IPads, Tablets & eReaders
Like with the cell phone, if these are incorporated into nighttime routines simply make sure that airplane mode is on, with wi-fi and bluetooth turned off.
Most movie or show purchases you make will be available for offline viewing by your child.
The Netflix app, YouTube app, Amazon Prime app and most music apps will allow downloading of their content for offline listening or viewing.

A Low EMF Solution
Airplane mode is your friend.
Smart Watches & Fitness Trackers
These are similar to cell phones, in that they’re often in extremely close proximity to your baby or child when you’re holding them, reading with them, etc…
As such, these should be in airplane mode with wi-fi and bluetooth turned off as much as possible.
With your own exposure to take into account, as well (especially at night time), we don’t recommend these tech devices to our clients.

A Low EMF Solution
You’re probably tired of hearing about airplane mode by now.
Airplane Mode, Airplane Mode, Airplane Mode
I wanted to hammer this point again, so I made it it’s own separate section. When you use a cell phone or tablet, if possible, put it in airplane mode and make sure that wi-fi and bluetooth are turned off.
This will drastically reduce the RF radiation exposure for you and all your family members, big and small.

A Low EMF Solution
One more vote for airplane mode!
Cordless Phones
Newer cordless phones can produce a staggering amount of RF radiation. These types of phones often come with multiple docking stations that are strewn throughout homes, sometimes even in the rooms where babies and children sleep or play.
Just get rid of these entirely and get old-school corded phones.

A Low EMF Solution
Give these the old heave-ho.
Wi-Fi and Wi-fi Extenders
Wi-fi routers and extenders/boosters, like cell phones, are a common source of radio frequency radiation and, unfortunately, can be found in or directly adjacent to children’s rooms.
Our top recommendation is to use hardwired internet connections and stop using wi-fi entirely if you can.
Hardwiring your internet isn’t difficult and will eliminate your exposure to this RF radiation entirely.
If you’re unable to do so, due to security, medical or housing arrangements, get in the habit of keeping it off as much as possible.
Additionally, make sure the places you frequent in the home are as far away from the router as possible.
If you have to occasionally use wi-fi, you can utilize an infra-red remote on/off switch to easily turn it on and off. This switch basically plugs into a socket and then your router is plugged into the switch and can be turned on and off with a remote control.

A Low EMF Solution
Turning off you Wi-Fi can be achieved by the following means:
A – Some internet providers that have a wireless router bundled with their service modem have apps that you can use to remotely turn the wireless router on and off.
B – Put your wireless router on a mechanical timer that you plug into your electrical outlet. This will turn it off every day at a selected time.
C – Utilize a remote IR kill switch. Right before you go to bed, you can turn off your wireless router with the click of a button and then turn it back on when you wake up.
Entertainment Technology
Entertainment consoles have a wide array of tech devices that produce RF radiation.
If these are adjacent to your children’s room (against a shared wall, etc…) make sure to cut the power to them when not in use.
Putting the devices on a power strip that can easily be turned off is a good way to accomplish this.

A Low EMF Solution
View our EMF Field Guide to Lower EMF Exposure in Living Rooms and TV Rooms to learn more about these.
Other Internal RF Sources
Other common internal sources of radio frequency radiation are:
– Wireless security systems
– IoT (The Internet of Things or smart home products)
We go more in-depth on these in our other EMF Field Guides, but these may be exposure sources near or in your child’s room.

A Low EMF Solution
We cover many of these in our other EMF Field Guides.
External RF Sources
Two common sources of external radio frequency sources are wireless utility meters and close proximity cell towers.
Wireless utility meters can be swapped out for non-transmitting models or possibly shielded in some cases.
Cell phone towers are more difficult to avoid.
Both can be shielded against to some degree.

A Low EMF Solution
We’ll have more how-to guides on this material coming soon.
Section 03:
Identify Common AC Magnetic Field Radiation Sources That May Be Present in Your Child’s Room
AC magnetic fields are another common EMF exposure source for children’s rooms.
Below we’ll go over some common, man-made sources of magnetic fields. View our other EMF Field Guides for more sources.
Let’s begin:
Overhead and underground power lines are common sources of elevated magnetic field levels within homes and, therefore, children’s rooms.
Shielding these can be difficult, so your best bet is to increase your child’s distance from these sources. This especially means their beds and common play areas.

A Low EMF Solution
There are some expensive shielding options, but distance is your friend here.
Home Appliances
Any appliance with a motor, condenser, or an electric clock will have magnetic fields.
You simply want to make sure that none of these are adjacent to (or on the other side of a wall from) where your child’s crib or bed is located. Some examples of these would be refrigerators, furnaces, stoves and dishwashers.
A gaussmeter can help you safely determine these possible exposures.
An EMF consultant can survey for you or you can get an EMF meter and do the sleuthing yourself (see below).

A Low EMF Solution
See our EMF Field Guides for other sources. Our EMF Field Guide to EMFs in Kitchens is a good one.
Fans & White Noise Machines
Fans are popular choices for background noise in children’s rooms to help them sleep.
Just be aware that the motors in the fans can kick up sizable magnetic fields. These drop off quickly with distance, but make sure that any fans you’re using aren’t too close to where the child is sleeping and measure with a gaussmeter to be sure.
White noise machines are often ungrounded and unshielded and can have elevated AC electric fields.
We recommend keeping these away from beds, as well. Use an electric field meter to measure the appropriate distance for these.

A Low EMF Solution
The Trifield TF2 has both a gaussmeter and an electric field meter.
Baby Rockers
Wired baby rockers may have elevated magnetic field levels from the rocking mechanism and elevated electric fields from the wiring. We recommend testing these with a gaussmeter and an electric field meter to get a good sense of what exposure your baby will be getting.
This is important as babies will often fall asleep in these devices for long periods of time.
Newer models may have radio frequency chips placed in them, as well, so be on the look out for that.

A Low EMF Solution
The Trifield TF2 is both a gaussmeter and an electric field meter. Read our review of the Trifield TF2.
Wiring Errors
Electrical wiring errors are also common causes of elevated magnetic fields in homes. These can be quite large and, thus,are important to survey for. Especially so for children’s rooms.
EMF Professionals can be helpful with testing for magnetic fields and then communicating the problem to an electrician.

A Low EMF Solution
View our EMF professionals page to see practitioners near you.
Stray Current on Utility Lines
A surprising, yet not uncommon, source of magnetic fields is stray electrical amperage coming into a home from water, gas, telephone and cable utility lines.
More about this phenomena soon, but this is something that an EMF Expert can really help identify.

A Low EMF Solution
EMF specialists can help you with this.
Section 04:
Identify Common AC Electric Field Radiation Sources That May Be Present in Children’s Rooms
AC electric fields are lesser known, but something that you should be aware of in regard to your children’s EMF exposure.
Below we’ll go over some common, man-made sources of electric fields. View our other EMF Field Guides for more sources, especially the EMF Field Guide to Bedrooms.
Let’s get started:
Energized Electrical Circuits
In a room (with standard residential wiring), if an electrical circuit is energized you’re going to have the presence of electrical fields.
One way of solving this is to have an electrician install an on-demand switch to de-energize the bedrooms. This is primarily used at night while occupants are sleeping.
An EMF Consultant can help you map out the breaker box, as it relates to electric fields.
Some people recommend turning off the breakers manually to achieve the same effect, but we don’t advise doing this without having a certified electrician come out and sign off on the safety and the condition of the breaker box and individual circuit breakers.

A Low EMF Solution
This is something to be aware of and is worth contacting an EMF consultant about.
Electrical Cords
Power cords effectively become extensions to the energized electrical circuit. If not properly shielded, they will produce electric fields, as well.
Some examples of these are:
– light cords
– plug-in strips
– extension cords
– phone charger cords
– product cords
It’s not uncommon to see several electric cords snaking around and underneath children’s cribs and beds. Move or remove these, if possible.
You can purchase battery powered clocks and lights, if needed.

A Low EMF Solution
There are a lot of battery powered options for standard items you find in bedrooms. These will lower the room’s AC electric field levels.
Section 05:
Identify Common Dirty Electricity Sources That May Affect Your Child’s Room
Dirty Electricity is known to some folks in health and maternity forums, but is something to be aware of if you haven’t heard of it before.
Below we’ll go over some some sources of dirty electricity. View our other EMF Field Guides for more sources, especially the EMF Field Guide to Bedrooms.
Let’s get started:
Light Bulbs
Many of the newer light bulbs achieve their cost savings by continually turning on and off at extremely high rates. These include the following: CFL bulbs, LED bulbs, fluorescent bulbs and halogen light bulbs.
Along with producing a lower spectrum of light (and being less pleasing to the eye), these bulbs are a common cause of dirty electricity.
To ensure a healthy environment for your young ones, consider switching to old-school incandescent bulbs.

A Low EMF Solution
If you have a choice, old school incandescent bulbs are the way to go.
Dimmer Switches
Dimmer switches work in the same manner as the newer light bulbs mentioned above.
We recommend swapping these out for normal light switches, but if you decide to keep them make sure your child isn’t sleeping or spending time in close proximity to the fixture.

A Low EMF Solution
We recommend going old school with your switches.
Device Power Supplies
Most devices have power transformers that can influence the dirty electricity levels on your room’s electrical circuit.
Just something to be aware of when testing for levels in rooms where your child spends a lot of time.

A Low EMF Solution
These should be unplugged when not in use.
Step 06:
Testing: DIY or Hire a Pro?
Unsure if you want to hire an EMF professional or test for EMFs yourself?
This section will help you decide which course of action is the best route for you and your family.
If you do decide to do-it-yourself, the next section will help you go about it.
Hire a Pro or DIY?
The four types of EMFs can all be measured with reasonable accuracy if you have the right meters and equipment and many of these meters are affordable. We’ll give you a basic idea of what’s required and point you where to go to for our current purchasing recommendations below in our DIY EMF section.
With all EMF measurements, the benefit of hiring EMF consultants is they will provide extensive experience and training, professional-grade meter accuracy and will help you determine and move forward with an appropriate EMF mitigation program.
Perhaps the main advantage of utilizing an EMF consultant for the magnetic field survey is that they can help pinpoint any potential wiring errors or any excess electrical current coming from water pipes or other utility lines and then communicate these issues to an electrician.
DIY EMF surveying is less costly, but may take longer and be out of the comfort zone for some people. There’s also no reason that you can’t do some of the work yourself in concert with an EMF consultant, too.
Most EMF consultants will have reasonable hourly phone consultation rates. Here are some remote EMF consultants if you’re interested and don’t have a local professional.
To better appreciate the pros and cons of contacting an EMF professional vs. doing-it-yourself, please see Chapter 09 – Contact an EMF Consultant or DIY?
Section 07:
DIY EMF Testing
Interested in going the do-it-yourself route?
Below are the types of meters you would use to detect the four types of man-made EMFs we go over in this EMF Field Guide to Nurseries and Children’s Rooms.

How to test for RF Fields
You can survey radio frequency fields with an RF Meter.
Our current favorite beginner’s RF meter is the Trifield TF2.
Visit our Best EMF Meters page, to learn more about the Trifield TF2 and other beginner, intermediate and professional level RF meters.

How to test for AC Magnetic Fields
You can survey magnetic fields with a gaussmeter. Decent gaussmeters are affordable and easy to use.
Visit our EMF Meter Reviews page to learn which gaussmeter or multi-use meter we recommend.

How to test for AC Electric Fields
You can survey AC electric fields with an electrical field strength meter.
Visit our EMF Meter Reviews page to learn which field strength meter or multi-use meter we recommend.

How to test for Dirty Electricity
You can test your home for elevated dirty electricity levels with a power line meter.
Popular DE meters are the Greenwave, Satic and Stetzerizer meters.
Visit our Best EMF Meters page, to learn more about our meter recommendations.
Section 08:
EMF Shielding Products for Children’s Rooms
In this section, we’ll go over some EMF shielding products specifically made for protecting babies and young children.
While it’s always best to eliminate the EMF sources as much as possible, we understand that their are times when this isn’t feasible.
Let’s begin:

RF-Blocking Bed Canopies
These bed canopies contain RF blocking material (such as Naturell and Daylite) and effectively reduce or nearly eliminate external and indoor sources of radio frequency radiation. These sources include cell phones, cell towers, wifi routers, and bluetooth.
By utilizing a bed canopy for your children, you’re giving them a respite from the external and internal RF fields that are infiltrating their bedrooms.
Learn more on our RF Blocking Bed Canopy page.
Safe Living Technologies is a great resource for bed canopies. If ordering from the Safe Living Technologies website, use the code DIYEMF to receive 5% off your order.

RF Shielding Window Film
This is a film that you apply to your children’s windows to block RF fields from external sources such as cell phone towers and an apartment neighbor’s adjacent wi-fi router.
It comes in clear and tinted varieties and boasts an efficacy of 99.99%.
Contact Safe Living Technologies for more information on these products. If you decide to order from them, use the code DIYEMF to receive 5% off.

RF Shielding Paint
YShield is a “grounding” paint that has an RF shielding effectiveness of 99.975%.
It can be used on the interior and exterior of home and is an effective means of lowering your radio frequency radiation exposure.
Contact Safe Living Technologies for more information on these products. If you decide to order from them, use the code DIYEMF to receive 5% off.
Section 09:
A Recap of How to Limit Your Child’s
EMF Exposure in Their Bedrooms
Here’s some of the more important points of the EMF Field Guide in recap.
The ages encompassing a person’s childhood are such important years of growth and development. We feel it’s worth the effort to lower their man-made EMF exposures.
We believe that low EMF environments for children are vitally important and should be a focus for all parents.
In reality, the home is the lone environment that parents can have some control over, so try your hardest to make it a low EMF sanctuary.
If you aren’t comfortable purchasing EMF meters and surveying your children’s rooms yourself, EMF specialists will be happy to assist you.
If you want to give DIY EMF testing a try start start with our “Best EMF Meters” page and then begin reading the free content found on our website.
If you’d prefer a PDF or Kindle version of the guides, we’ll offer those shortly. Join our newsletter to learn more.
We mentioned this in the beginning, but if you have any questions about any of this, please contact us!
The Beginner's Guide to EMFs
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This option comes with printable worksheets and other helpful guides.
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Learn About the Beginner's Guide to EMFs
Welcome to the Beginner’s Guide to EMFs.
Our site attempts to inform you of the possible invisible dangers that you and your family may be subjected to.
None of the content here should construed as medical or legal advice and is purely for learning and entertainment purposes.
Do not mess with your electrical system in any manner, way, shape, or form!
Only a certified electrician should be making changes to your electrical system!
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