What Does EMF Stand For?

What Does EMF Stand For - Graphic
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Written by EMF Guide

Our educational goal at EMF Guide is to teach people about (and how to protect their family's from) man-made EMFs.

“What Does EMF Stand For?” – The EMF Question of the Day

EMF is short for “Electro-Magnetic Field.”

These man-made, non-natural fields are the products of the electricity in our homes and the telecommunication devices we use.

They are what EMF consultants test for when they survey a home or office.

There are four, main types of EMFs that are tested for. Click the link after each to learn more in-depth about each.

Magnetic Fields – What are Magnetic Fields?
Electric Fields – What are Electric Fields?
Radio Frequency Fields – What is RF and 5G?
Dirty Electricity – What is Dirty Electricity?

You can learn more about EMFs and how to keep your family and your pets safe from these invisible dangers by visiting our What are EMFs page.

If you’re interested in learning how to test for these EMFs, read our Best EMF Meters to Purchase page on our website.

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September 27, 2024

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